Thursday, November 19, 2009

Badge Placement

The 4 badge triangle on the right side of the vest is the Water set the girls will be earning. They received the first badge in this set (the one with the heart). The Healthy Habits Try It goes along the bottom with the other try its. The Juliette Low patch is a fun patch and should go on the back. See also sash configuration.

November 17 Meeting

We had a great time at the 11/17 meeting! Welcome back Maegan - we missed you!

We started off on the get our sillies out. As you can see, the girls get me involved in the sillies!

For our special Brownie Day snack, we had ice cream cones with sprinkles. YUM!

We talked about why we loved water over ice cream and added these special places to our water journey mural. Then, we all worked on our water promises and added them to our mural!

At the conclusion of this, I awarded each girl with their I LOVE WATER badge.

The girls also received their HEALTHY HABITS try it badge and a special Juliette Lowe fun patch for celebrating her birthday at the swimming party.

In preparation for our next meeting, we made Happy Socks for the cats of the SPCA. Some of us got marker on our faces (Madi) and some of us got sentimental thinking of the kitties (Gretta)!

I am working on arranging our trip and have requested the date and time of our next meeting for our visit. Anyone who would like to come is more than welcome! As soon as the date is firm, I will let you all know!

So behind am I

I have just faced it...I am behind! To compound matters, I left my camera at home for our second meeting! Therefore, no pictures!

What a great time at the pool party! Everyone came! Happy Birthday Juliette Lowe!

Just to update everyone, we talked about everyones gathered water....very creative girls we have! We talked about the reasons we selected these water source and if they are important to us. To continue our journey, we witnessed the water cycle through boiling water. We tried tea, in fancy teacups AND had some southern sweet tea!

Next, we discussed healthy habits so that we could earn our Healthy Habits Try-It!

We left with water drops to make water promises....ways that we will protect, preserve or advocate for water in our own lives.


Saturday, October 24, 2009


More information on the Pool Party!

Our wonderful North Hampton Girl Scouts are sponsoring an indoor pool party for all of the North Hampton Girl Scouts on SUNDAY November 8, 2009 from 4pm-6pm.

1. Children must be at least 45 inches tall to swim without an adult. PLEASE ensure the younger girls are height appropriate.
2. Children under 45 inches must swim with an adult
3. One adult may be responsible for two children MAX
4. NO MORE than 45 swimmers are allowed in the pool at one time. This INCLUDES adults.
6. If we think we will have more than 40 (or so) participants we will have to swim and eat pizza in shifts - younger girls first, then older girls.
7. Lastly, to use the diving board, girls will have to pass a swim test.
8. lastly, lastly - no tshirts, shorts, underwear, etc are allowed in the pool - swimsuits ONLY.

Questions, Let me know!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our First Meeting

What a great time we had at our first meeting! The girls had A LOT of energy so we will be starting each meeting with some free play on the playground to help get the wilds out!

We started the meeting by making our paperdolls for the jobs chart.

We saved the outfits so our paper versions can change clothes in the future. When this was completed, we reviewed the chart, said the GS Promise and got ready for our investiture ceremony.

I read the brownie story to the girls before spinning them in the forest and "pinning" them. Make sure they each do their 3 good turns so they can turn their pin around!

Our brownies LOVE brownies! We ate snack and talked about our favorite water activity. Each of the girls drew their favorite "water" or water activity for our water mural. We also made our names, snowflakes, raindrops and sunshines for the mural.

After making a rainbow with a flashlight and vase of water, we held our friendship circle and cleaned up! The girls spent some ending time together on the playground.

Good job Gretta and Maegan!!

I think all of the girls had a great time...we may have some future models in our troop!

Next meeting, each Brownie should bring their jar with some of their favorite water. We will be decorating them. We will also, hopefully, be trying tea.
See you next time!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reminder - 1st Meeting October 20!

A friendly reminder to all...our first meeting is this Tuesday, October 20th!

In this meeting, the girls will be making their own brownie paper dolls for the Caper chart, welcoming Gretta and Jade with an investiture ceremony, rededicating Madi, Maegen and Chloe in a rededication ceremony, introducing the new Wonders of Water (WOW) journey AND brainstorming the badges and events the girls would like to earn or participate in. Our focus this year will be to continue teaching the girls to be leaders by allowing them to do "girl led" actiities. We will also continue to focus on the community and having A LOT OF FUN.

If any of you have a special interst you would like to involve the girls in, please let me know!

You are all welcome to drop in, stay, visit!

Also, please remember dues, $3.00 per meeting or $45.00 for the whole year. If you are writing a check, it can be made out to Girl Scout Troop 13994.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Girl Scout Wide Pool Party!!

UPDATED! DATE CHANGE! Our wonderful North Hampton Girl Scouts are sponsoring an indoor pool party for all of the North Hampton Girl Scouts on SUNDAY November 8, 2009 from 4pm-6pm. A flyer will be sent with the girls after their October 20th meeting.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Meeting Schedule

Please note the following meeting dates. Our location is still TBD, so as soon as it is determined, Iwill send it out on email. When I finalize activities, they will be posted as well.

October 20, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
November 3, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
November 17, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
December 1, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
December 15, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
January 5, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
January 19, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
February 2, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
February 16, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
March 2, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
March 16, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
March 30, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
April 13, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
May 4, Tuesday 3:00-4:30
May 18, Tuesday 3:00-4:30

Welcome to Brownie Troop 13994

Welcome to Brownie Troop 13994 Blog. This is the place you can come at anytime to view schedules, see pictures, learn about upcoming events and more. Make sure you bookmark the URL and subscribe to be notified of updates as they are posted!