Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our First Meeting

What a great time we had at our first meeting! The girls had A LOT of energy so we will be starting each meeting with some free play on the playground to help get the wilds out!

We started the meeting by making our paperdolls for the jobs chart.

We saved the outfits so our paper versions can change clothes in the future. When this was completed, we reviewed the chart, said the GS Promise and got ready for our investiture ceremony.

I read the brownie story to the girls before spinning them in the forest and "pinning" them. Make sure they each do their 3 good turns so they can turn their pin around!

Our brownies LOVE brownies! We ate snack and talked about our favorite water activity. Each of the girls drew their favorite "water" or water activity for our water mural. We also made our names, snowflakes, raindrops and sunshines for the mural.

After making a rainbow with a flashlight and vase of water, we held our friendship circle and cleaned up! The girls spent some ending time together on the playground.

Good job Gretta and Maegan!!

I think all of the girls had a great time...we may have some future models in our troop!

Next meeting, each Brownie should bring their jar with some of their favorite water. We will be decorating them. We will also, hopefully, be trying tea.
See you next time!

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