Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reminder - 1st Meeting October 20!

A friendly reminder to all...our first meeting is this Tuesday, October 20th!

In this meeting, the girls will be making their own brownie paper dolls for the Caper chart, welcoming Gretta and Jade with an investiture ceremony, rededicating Madi, Maegen and Chloe in a rededication ceremony, introducing the new Wonders of Water (WOW) journey AND brainstorming the badges and events the girls would like to earn or participate in. Our focus this year will be to continue teaching the girls to be leaders by allowing them to do "girl led" actiities. We will also continue to focus on the community and having A LOT OF FUN.

If any of you have a special interst you would like to involve the girls in, please let me know!

You are all welcome to drop in, stay, visit!

Also, please remember dues, $3.00 per meeting or $45.00 for the whole year. If you are writing a check, it can be made out to Girl Scout Troop 13994.


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